Synchronistic Run-ins at Oregon Eclipse

Story time.

Reflections on August 23, 2017.

Theme: “Everything happens exactly how it’s supposed to.”


Chris Dyer(left) and Amanda Sage(right) spend the final day of Oregon Eclipse Gathering surprising passerbys at the 1Nation Earth Camp.

It is now Day 7 at the Global Eclipse Gathering on Big Summit Prairie in Prineville, OR. By this time, if you haven’t acclimated to the layer of dust caked between your toes, up your nose, or in every other nook and cranny, you probably aren’t here. 66-year-old Goa Gil is rounding out the final hour of his surprise all-night marathon set – a behemoth 18 hours of nonstop psytrance. During this set, Goa Gil mixes old-school psy tracks using nothing but analog tape decks and a mixer. His collection is so vast, most of these tapes have probably been around longer than you or I have been alive.

The campgrounds are starting to clear out, it’s not so much a never ending sea of tents and RVs anymore. Only the diehard beat freaks remain. Trash bags are piling up by the port-o-johns even though this is a “Leave No Trace” event.

I start tearing down my campsite, fanning off any laden dust that has accumulated on pretty much everything (My dad’s van will never be the same). I figured I’d pack everything up so I don’t have to worry about it on departure day, and then I could spend the rest of my time exploring what I hadn’t got to see already. I finish off the coconut water and toss on my camelbak, then venture off to the festival grounds for one final night.

Some of the elusive sights I was hoping to come across were visionary artists Amanda Sage and Chris Dyer. Earlier in the week, I listened to Alex and Allison Grey speak for over an hour about their history in the visionary art world. Lots of topics were discussed but the one story that amazed me the most was Alex talking about how Albert Hofmann’s family had given him the original pair of glasses Albert wore in the laboratory on that famed Bicycle Day of April 19, 1943. This story reemphasized to me how profound a component Alex and Allison Grey actually are in the vast world of psychedelia. All week, I was keeping an eye out for Amanda and Chris but I only ever found their art, never the artist. And like a lot of things in life, you just have to be at the right place at the right time.


I spend an hour or so shopping in and out of the markets, everybody’s selling stuff for 20% off today. Some of the vendors are giving away fruit and vegetables for free. I walk across the footbridge that was built for the 55-acre lake on site, and start off towards the 1Nation Earth Camp, an area dedicated to no alcohol or tobacco, set aside for natives to share their history, ancestry, and life lessons. A sacred place to seek within. I glance over towards the fire on shore where a group of people are gathered around listening to a native woman sing and chant. And then, as I survey the area I say to myself, “no fucking way!” Completely surprised, my mind starts to comprehend why my smile is starting to grin. There on each side of the fire Amanda and Chris are working on their paintings, live and in person.

I mosey over and sit down a few feet behind Amanda, contently watching as she strokes in certain nuances on her painting. A couple words were shared but in this moment silence spoke the most volume. I thank Amanda for her contribution to the community and walk over towards Chris and his work, which he still to this day (as I write this) is painting in the smallest of details. I gaze in awe for about an hour or so watching them do what they do best, before heading off to take my first look at the Sun Temple…


Sage using her magical wand to finish up final touches on her painting dedicated to the total solar eclipse which took place on August 21, 2017.


Dyer paints in the smallest of details on this colorful piece.

I want to take a moment to commend the work and time these artists put in during Oregon Eclipse, and say thank you once again for sharing these amazing talents with our community. Above are the paintings Amanda and Chris dedicated their entire week to work on, symbolizing to me the boundless freedom and potential of our artistic expression, as well as the cosmic coincidence of alignment that we are so fortunate enough to witness from this planet. ((((O)))))

Until next time, peace out.

Brandon Benton

Artists website :

Amanda Sage Art

Chris Dyer’s Positive Creations

Artists Instagram: @amandasageart @chris_dyer